Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kaylee Jean

My Brother and his Wife Kasey, were expecting their first child, and I can still remember the phone call I got from my Brother saying they were expecting.  I was so excited for them, and couldn't wait to spoil another niece/nephew in the near future.  They were due May 11, and we were due April 27.  That also got me excited.  These two little ones will be so close together in age, and will have so much fun growing up together!

Fast forward 9 months, and I had finally received the text message I had been anticipating for a long time now.  It was from my Brother, and it stated that they were in the hospital, and were getting ready to welcome their precious little GIRL into this world.  I was beyond ecstatic for them. 

Things went really smoothly that day, from what I understand.  Kasey is one of the fortunate ones who, when asked how the day went, she responds with "Things went great, I didn't have any pain at all!"  I agree with you if you are thinking that is almost unheard of.  Ha. :) 

Kasey went in very early that day, and by the afternoon, they were able to meet their little girl.

Kaylee Jean Sents entered this great big world on May 7th at 3:08 PM, and weighed in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21.25 inches long.  She has a full head of dark hair, is perfect in every way, and I instantly fell in love. 

Here is the happy little family of THREE!  My Brother now goes by the title "Daddy" and I couldn't be more happy for all of them.  Kaylee is one lucky little girl to have him as her Father. 

Proud Dad, and his Baby Girl.

As you know, I don't get much experience in the "girl" department, so I am loving the fact that I have two nieces that I get to spoil now!  We were all so excited to meet this little girl, that we headed to the hospital later that evening to get our first glimpse.  Here she is, 4 hours brand new.  (And I feel the need to note that I was still recovering from having a baby 10 days prior to this picture being taken.  Hence the not so good photo of me.)

The count is now up to 4 little kiddos in our family, and this makes me smile.  The more the merrier if you ask me!  Family get togethers just got that much more fun, and these kids will have a blast growing up together. 

Kaylee seems to be doing great, and is adjusting to life really well.  Her parents are completely in love with her, and so are the rest of us. 

Welcome to the family, Ms. Kaylee Jean.  You are so very precious to me, and I am honored to be your Aunt.  We all love you so much, Baby Girl!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more, Ang: The more the merrier. And it's a gift that the little ones can grow up knowing each other.
