Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Year Pictures

I am still struggling with coming to terms with the fact that my baby is one.  As in....when people ask "how old are your boys?" I have to respond with "ONE and 3-1/2" instead of ____months and 3.  I told Carl that I think I will use "months" on Weston forever.  He laughed, because "14 months" does sound silly when in reality, he is ONE.

A dear friend and wonderful photographer, Laura at Posing Willows, did Weston's 1 year pictures.  I am completely in love.  With every single one of them, actually.  I seriously can't decide which one I want to get really huge to be displayed in his (make-believe) room.

I will let the pictures do the talking.  It was such a fun session, to say the least.  Boy do I love this handsome little guy and that smile.  

Now do you see why it is so difficult to make a decision as to which one is my favorite?  I am still undecided :)  

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