Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Golf Cwubs

Carl recently decided that Carson needed a nice set of golf clubs, opposed to the plastic set that he has.  Daddy has big plans, and envisions many Summer nights spent outside golfing, playing catch, baseball, and kicking the soccer ball around.  This Mama occasionally joins in, or I just sit back and watch, as I witness a dream come true right before my eyes.  I have always dreamed of my Husband teaching our children all about the different sports, and now I get to witness this.  Talk about blessed.

We searched for quite a while for that perfect set.  You know, because he is three, and this is a big. deal.  Not too big, but not too small.  We wanted him to be able to grow into them, but them not be too big that he would get discouraged right now.  And, for a right-handed set.

A lot of money later, we found that perfect set, some tees, and some "bird" (angry birds) balls that Carson was a big fan of.

You know where this is going, right?  Carl was pumped.  Like, maybe a little more excited than Carson was.  He handed Carson the club, put the tee in the ground, set the ball on top, and let Carson have at it.  And what does he do?  Walks up to the ball, and golfs like a lefty.  Used the wrong side of the club, obviously, and hit the ball.  Which, is amazing, and awesome, and he was so proud! (As were we!) With a few scratches on his brand new club (which gets Daddy all worked up, you know) Carl decided to guide him, and helped him golf right-handed.  He had no objections, and hit it the same.  I just have to laugh, because we looked for quite some time for this set, and they had to be the perfect set.  We found a few left-handed sets that we liked, but that just wouldn't do (or so we thought)

Carson is very excited about this new golfing thing.  He actually hits it very well, and Carl displays such a proud smile every time.  Carson continuously says he wants to go golfing with Daddy sometime on the course, and I am excited for their first adventure together.

I think we have a little athlete on our hands!  Two of them, actually.  

These pictures were taken back in April, hence the brown grass, and sweatshirts!

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