Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Annual Slip n' Slide Party

Wow.  I can't believe I forgot to document this one!  Seriously.  It is one of the most talked about Summer memories that we had this year.

On July 3rd, Carl and I decided to host our very first slip n' slide party.  It was so much fun!  We had been talking about it for a while, and finally made it come to life.  We have since decided that it's going to be an annual event.  Because it was just that much fun!

A 4th of July party just wouldn't be the same without my traditional flag cake!

If you don't know Carl personally, I will give you a little run down of him.  A very short description of the Hubs.  Here is goes:  He is a kid himself!  I sometimes feel like I am parenting 3 boys.  Ha.  He is having so much fun with Carson's toys, that I sometimes wonder if he buys them for himself instead of his 3 year old.

Every once in a while, Carl will make a pit stop on his way home from work, and meander into Wal Mart.  He will usually get some essentials that I mentioned that we need, and then he gets all wrapped up in the departments that apparently just "suck him in."  He will look through the seasonal aisles, make his way through the toys, and then the electronics.  He usually comes home with a few items that were definitely not on the list, and proceeds to give me an ear full about what TV was on sale, how much, why he needs a bigger TV, etc.  I listen, to entertain the fact that I should sound interested in the things that he enjoys, and then proceed to do whatever I was doing.  I really don't think I actually listen to any of it, because if you would ask me the size, brand, or price of said TV he was just ranting about---I more than likely know nothing.

Anyway.  He made a pit stop at Wal Mart one early morning in June, and came home all giddy.  Like, a kid on Christmas morning kind of giddy.  I instantly knew he got something that "Carson would enjoy" but in reality, he was more excited.  He came home with a slip n' slide.  Like.....all excited telling me about this piece of plastic, and how all the kids would have so much fun, and we should have a party, and invite all the cousins over, and have food, and makes smores, and do sparklers---the whole bit.

I was excited too, because it did sound like so much fun!  But with everyone's busy Summer schedules, I had no idea when we would be able to host the party....in hopes that everyone would be able to make it.

With July 4th landing on a Wednesday this year, a lot of people were sticking around home for the actual holiday, and going away the weekend before or after the holiday.  So, we thought it would be perfect to throw the party on July 3rd.  Everyone would have the 4th off of work, and the kids could have fun without having a strict bedtime.

Carl spent a lot of time perfecting this piece of art that is the slip n' slide.  We ended up added a tarp to the actual slide, to make it longer.  Yes, we were those redneck hicks making a slide in our backyard with a blue tarp.  I was reminiscing with Carl about how my siblings and I used to always make a slide like this when we were kids.  But I am pretty sure we used garbage sacks.  So comparing garbage sacks to a tarp----we felt pretty high class.  HA!

All the kids took their turn on the slide.  They were talking strategy, and trying to come up with new and fun ways to go down the slide.  Ya know...things we all did as kids.  It was a beautiful night for this fun activity.  I think it is safe to say everyone had a complete blast!  Even Carl.  The big kid himself.

The following day, a few text messages were swapped in regards to the party.  Everyone was talking about how their body ached, how they were so sore, the kids were sleeping in big time, and we all had a good laugh.

This is one of our favorite family memories from this past Summer!  Carl is already talking strategy for next year, and how he is going to make it bigger and better.  We are already looking forward to next year's party---apparently :)

We ended the evening with sparklers, and everyone's face lit up in excitement.  This was the first time that we let Carson hold on to one by himself, and have his own sparkler to twirl around.  He thought he was pretty big stuff.  

 These pictures make me miss Summer a little bit.  But, I mean---we are planning on decorating for Christmas this weekend, so the hype of this new activity at hand has me all excited for the next season change.

Christmas in July?  Yes, I am super late on posting this one!  I just don't want to forget all the fun we had, nor have the pictures get lost somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the water would have been too deep for my liking. haha
