Friday, March 23, 2012

Moon Dough

The Wonderful Frannie gifted Carson with some Moon Dough for Valentine's Day, and I decided to pull it out of the closet the other night for some new entertainment.

Carson had so much fun with this stuff.  It is actually really neat, and I personally think a lot less messy than play-dough...although that is what Carson continued to call it.  It's the same concept, and does the same thing as play-dough, just without the smell (which some people love, Daddy being one of them, me--not so much) easier to clean up, and it doesn't have the "wet" texture to it.  It molds into whatever you want it to, and makes for some great fun.  It also says that it is never supposed to dry up, so that is an added bonus.  We have thrown a lot of play-dough away because it has dried up, but trust me when I say we don't usually hesitate, nor are we heart broken when we throw a container away :)

The kit that we got was for making "breakfast food"....and some other molds, although Carson could really care less as to what he is making.  He would rather mush it all around, and use the different props to cut the different stuff up.

Thanks for the moon-dough, Frannie!  It made for a fun, new activity for the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet pictures and I love the creases that show in Carson's wrists. He appears to be a patient boy during activities; that makes for fun times! Sounds like a good plan if they've improved Play-Doh.
