Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Beautiful March Day

The weather has been so beautiful this March, it is almost too good to believe!  The beginning of this month, the temps reached about 65-70 for the first time this year, and that makes for perfect weather to be outside.  During the day it was really windy, but the wind decided to calm down in the later afternoon and evening....just in time for our family to go outside and enjoy some fresh air.

Carson loves to swing, so that is the first thing he went to when we opened the door to our backyard, with an approval for him to step outside.  He didn't hold back, and ran out the door....literally. 

We all enjoyed an evening outside, just playing in the backyard, while Daddy grilled some amazing food.  Our first bacon cheeseburger of the year on the grill, and it was fabulous.

After the swing was old news, Carson decided he was just going to run around for a while.  We don't have any of our outdoor toys outside right now, as the snow has just melted, and it is still pretty muddy out.  But, that didn't stop Carson from having some fun.  He ran up and down our hill a few times, and then decided to take it up a notch, and do a little more exploring.  The little stinker challenged himself, and I am sad to say, he won.  He stood on his tippy toes as he was just barely tall enough to get the latch unlocked on our fence, and escaped the backyard.  He didn't go far, but the fact that he can unlock the gate is not good news.  He actually ran up and down the hill along the fence, and went to check on our rhubarb patch that we have on the outside of our fence.  He went with me a few times last summer to pick some rhubarb, so he probably thought it was ok to do it now.  But, we need to set some boundary rules soon.  I also should add that he had the most mischievous grin on his face, and even laughed a little while I told him he had to stay inside the fence, and his speed increased.  The little stinker knew he had just accomplished something big, and it probably wasn't right in our eyes.

You may have to look really hard in this picture to find Carson!  He is the little spot in the middle of the picture, at the top of the hill. 

We struggled getting Carson inside to eat some supper, and stay inside.  I think we are all ready for some more outside play, and some fresh air.  

Bring on Spring, in full Swing!  :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a funny picture! The bright blue swing is standing still for it's rider is long gone to bigger and better thrills! Outstanding work on the burgers Carl-they made my mouth water.
