We had a guest stay overnight on Friday night, and we love company! Aunt DiDi stayed over, because she was in town for a scrapbooking retreat. So, we visited her on Saturday at the church while she was there. Carson managed to score a sucker, smarties, and a sandwich the size of his head while there!

Carl ended up having Saturday night off, so we went out with some friends. It was a lot of fun to get out, and we were surrounded by good company, and good food. We missed Carson dearly, but we had Sunday family day to look forward to.
Sunday evening Grandpa & Grandma Brouwer came to visit. It had been a while since we have seen them with all the sickness that has been going around. So, it was a lot of fun to catch up with them! And, they brought a little treat for Carson. His very first set of golf clubs! He loves them. He especially likes to carry the clubs around and hit things; like people, doors, furniture, toys, the floor, Tucker, etc. But, he is a little smarty pants, and knows what the clubs are meant for....he will try and hit the golf balls with the clubs. And, he wheels the little cart around like he has been doing this for years. He has now been promoted to the position, and has acquired the title "Daddy's Caddy" I think he will fit right in on the course :)
Thanks for the clubs G&G Brouwer!
And look! He has been known as "Daddy's Caddy" since he has been 8 months old!
It was a great weekend had by all. Merry Monday, everyone!
Oh, and one more thing......Carson and Tucker are still buds. This statement has been confirmed by a hug!
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