One of my favorite things these days is watching Carson learn new things. He is a very quick learner, and picks up on things easily. I love to watch him process things in his head, and try and do them himself. His mind is constantly spinning. Carson is at a very fun age these days, and is so fun to interact, and play with. He has a lot of favorite toys that he enjoys playing with, so I will dive right in.
1. First thing I will start with is his 4-wheeler. He got it for Christmas this year from Santa, and has loved it since day 1. It is battery operated by the push of a button. Carl and I didn't really know what Carson would think of it, or if he would know how to operate it. Well, the quick learner that he is, it only took about 2-3 times that we pushed the button, for him to put the 2 together, and away he went! At first he struggled holding down the button all the time, as his ride was a bit choppy to begin with, but he got the hang of it real quickly. He still struggles (a lot) with steering, but that will come. He goes until he runs into something, and will continue to spin the wheels until someone moves him, and sends him in a new direction.
I think I mentioned in one of the previous posts that Carson is very daring, and I think these pictures are proof. These were taken Christmas morning, the morning he got the 4-wheeler. And, the very first thing he did was try and stand on the seat! As you can see, he accomplished his goal. Which, Dad was cheering on, and Mom was telling him that is not what we do on the 4-wheeler! But, he sure did have a proud grin on his face after he was done standing. He is only 15 months, and I think he is already following in his Uncle Chris's footsteps. Watch out! :)
His mouth is full of cookie, and he runs into the furniture...a lot! |
And, he's off down the hallway! |
2. Up next, he really enjoys reading books. I usually read him a book every night before he goes to bed. I don't ever think that he really acknowledges that I am doing so, but he must, because he just recently started "telling the story" himself. It is so cute to see him sit and read a book. His voice gets all squeaky, and he always looks so happy. He really enjoys flap books, and as you can see in this first picture, he likes to rip them off, because you can see the "ears" flap is sitting behind him!
Reading a book at Frannie's house
Reading a book before bedtime
Playing with his "piano" book |
3. Aunt Di Di and Uncle Nathan got Carson a music table for Christmas. And, Carson's really
likes loves the table! He will press the different buttons, and dance to the different beats. Which, dancing to him is tapping his feet (foot fire, as Daddy calls it) or spinning in circles....until he gets so dizzy he
tobbles over. It is so cute and funny to watch him dance. He has his certain favorite buttons that he will automatically go to every time. Thanks for the table Aunt Di Di and Uncle Nathan, I love it!
4. Carson is in love with phones. He has a play phone that he got for his birthday that he really enjoys, but he also loves to play with cell phones! But, then again, what child doesn't like cell phones and remotes, right?
5. Carson also got a Giraffe bike for his birthday that he enjoys playing with. It says it is for 18+ months of age, and he is still too small for it, but he understands the concept, and likes to press all the buttons. He tries to ride the bike, but his little legs just aren't long enough to get the job done. But, he knows exactly which button turns on the music (which, is very loud, may I add) and that is usually the first thing we hear in the mornings!
6. Next up, the POPPER! Carson also got this toy for his birthday, and he got it from his daycare provider. She said that he looooves to play with it at her house, and she gets to listen to it all day, so thought she would bring the noise to our house! We thanked her for the toy. Ha! Carson loves this thing. He also loves to carry it around, hit things with it, and bang it on the floor....especially the kitchen floor, which prompts me to tell him "No thank you, that is not a jack hammer" :)
7. And, last but certainly not the least, or the most quiet toy, his mower! This mower is a lot like the popper when it comes to noise level. When he walks it, the balls inside of it rotate around, and it makes a very
obnoxious lovely sound. But, he enjoys playing with it, so we enjoy listening to him run with it, and giggle while doing it. Because, his giggle
is my favorite!
I think I will end with those small things that we admire these days. That pretty much sums up what Carson is usually up to these days, with an exception to the things he
really likes to get into (like the kitchen cupboards) but I will leave that for later. Actually, that may be up next. Stay tuned for more fun from the Brouwer household! Have a great night, and count your many blessings.
My most treasured blessing |
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