This past weekend's weather was absolutely gorgeous, and just what we needed. We spent a majority of our days outside, and the boys were all smiles. They both love to be outside, and would spend all of their days in the great outdoors if we let them. Trust me----you would have thought someone was getting seriously injured when the words "nap time" are spoken to them, which means they have to go inside. Gasp.
This weekend brought abnormally cooler temps for a typical Iowa July weekend, and we welcomed it with open arms. The heat and humidity is definitely welcome in my book for the Summer, don't get me wrong. But when we are graciously blessed with a weekend that has 60 degree weather, we do our best to enjoy it to the fullest. I had to hold myself back from making a soup in the crock-pot, as that will come all too soon. We forced ourselves to grill, because that is just what you do in the Summer. Carl asked me to keep the crock-pot in the cupboard for a while, and I didn't argue.
A little update of our no particular order. Actually---this post is all over the place. Which is pretty reflective of my brain right now, I feel. Ha.
This is the view that I am so privileged to see almost daily. Carson loves to go on bike rides, and Weston truly enjoys his time in the wagon. It's a win-win-win for everyone. We all get some exercise, Carson loves to bike, Weston enjoys the wagon......and wait for it----Weston sits still for a good 10 minutes. :)

We have our own little "route" that we have established at our new home, and we all love it. It is the perfect distance for everyone, not too hilly for the little biker, the scenery is gorgeous, and it makes for some great memories.
We live on the "edge" of town, and this beautiful view is located just down the street from our home. It makes the walks even more fun, and Carson loves to ask a million bajillion questions about everything along the way. I love that little boy and his drive and curiosity level at this age.
Last Friday Night we got the opportunity to partake in our very first "Movies Under the Moon." Last week was supposed to be The Lion King, but last minute got switched to Finding Nemo. Carson really enjoys both movies, so we were excited to watch the "fish movie" on the big screen. This fun event takes place in Overman Park in Cedar Falls, and a big screen is hung in the band shell where the movie is displayed. Everyone sprawls out on blankets on the ground, or sits in lawn chairs while cuddled up with blankets as the sun goes down, and the movie begins. The movie started shortly after 9:00 that evening, and that was truly my only concern for the night. The boys are usually zonked, or on their last leg by that time---but we decided to brave the event anyway. We brought a bag of goodies, and bought some popcorn and pop at the concession stands while we were there. I felt that there was a great turn out for the movie, and everyone had so much fun! The boys did great considering the late bed time, and the weather was gorgeous. No need for bug spray on a late July evening that brought 60 degree temps. (Side note: I was perfectly content laying on a blanket under the stars and trees that evening until Carl just had to point out all the bats that were flying and swooping right over our heads! I am not scared to death of them, but I wouldn't say they are my favorite. I gave a large thank you to him after that comment. not.)
Carl and I are really enjoying the wooden log swing that we have under our giant weeping willow tree in the backyard. The boys love to play, and wrestle, and tackle, and do boyish things while we swing and watch. And occasionally intervene. These two have a love/hate relationship at the moment.
Carson is full on busy these days. He is full of a million and a half questions, wants to help with everything, and is so curious and interested in the little things that make up this great big world. I love to see him soak up as much as possible in his sponge of a brain. He starts preschool in about a month, and I am so excited to see him grow.
Oh. And this boy. Does this all the time. We are trying to teach him when it is appropriate, and when it is not. When neighbors are outside? Not appropriate. In the front yard for cars to drive by and see? Not appropriate. He has done both so far.
These two little guys have had a lot to explore at the new house. There have been a lot of bunnies and squirrels that they enjoy watching in the backyard.
Ice cream dates are a favorite of mine. I love everything about them. Especially when it is T&Ls ice cream, which is to die for---if you were wondering.
These two monkeys are just plain silly and crazy. I love to see both of their different personalities shine through pictures.
And nap time. Sweet nap time. A snoring toddler and Daddy, and a cuddled up baby on my chest. With pudgy hands that have little dimples in them---which are my all time favorite.
The view that I pull into everyday now. The new house. We are both so grateful, and can feel all of the happiness that surrounds us as we enter through the doors. A lot of love lives here.
All the pictures are great cuz I can see how your new life in new surroundings is shaking out. Appears to be a good one for you all look happy. Great casual family picture of you in the park!