It was a day that Carl and I had been talking about for a long time. It was a day that had come and gone a few times in our church, until we finally made it a reality. Having our children baptized as an infant/toddler is something that we both decided we wanted to do. For them--and for us, too. I truly believe that baptizing an infant/toddler is probably more beneficial for the parents, than the infant themselves. Only because they are obviously not old enough to know what is going on. They don't know why water is dripping down their head into their eyes, and Mom or Dad doesn't wipe the water away.
Having Carson and Weston baptized at a young age is very important to us. We are making a commitment, as parents, to raise these two precious souls in a Christian home, and do our best to teach them about His word. We will do our best to preach to them, and make sure they both have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
I was raised as a Baptist, and Carl as a Methodist. We are now members of a Reformed church, but they don't necessarily consider themselves any "one" religion. I love that about Orchard Hill Church. All are welcome, no matter how you were raised or what you believe. We are all there for one reason, and that is to learn more.
Baptists do not do infant baptisms. The first time I was baptized, I was about 12 years old. You have to go through a 6-week course, and prove to the church, in writing, as to why you want to get baptized and become a member of the church. After that takes place, you are then allowed to take communion when it is offered the first Sunday of each month. But not until then, are you allowed to take a piece of bread, or a cup of juice from the plates being passed through the pews.
I wore all white on the day of my baptism, and was dunked under water. Carl didn't believe me the first time I told him that. You sit in a big tank of water that is located in the front of the church, and the pastor tips your whole body back, until you are completely submerged in the water.
The description of my boys' first baptism is a lot different than my personal story. As a parent, I am okay with that, and excited to start their journey.
Sunday was perfect. It fit the image I had in my mind perfectly. This was an important day for us, and we had so many people there to support our family. That meant so much to us.
We took up three rows at church, and our family members filled the seats. Grandparents, Aunt/Uncles, Cousins, and even Great Grandparents were there to witness these two precious souls get baptized.
Weston did so well when it was his turn to be handed over to Pastor Ed. Ed trickled water over his head, it ran into his eyes, and he didn't even make a squawk. Phew, one down, one more to go. Carson was a totally different story. Carl held him in his arms and Pastor Ed started with the water. Carson was not happy about it, and ended up pushing Ed. Yes, he extended his hand, and pushed the Pastor. I was so un-prepared for that, and it completely caught me off guard. But, Ed was very good about it, and enlightened the mood a bit after our time was done. Carl and I can now laugh about it, and we will forever remember the morning the boys got baptized, and will smile when we think of Carson.
After the service, we all gathered at our home for a delicious lunch, in celebration of the boys. It was a big day, and we all had fun celebrating. We had lunch, cake and ice cream, and opened gifts.
The boys got some very neat gifts on Sunday, and I am excited to put some of them to good use. One book in particular that I am anxious to dive right into is Carson's devotion book. It's geared towards toddler boys, and they have interactive activities you can do to teach a particular story from the Bible.
Carl and I are both committed to raising Carson and Weston in a Christian home. Do I know everything about the Bible. No way. But, we are willing to all learn more as a family.
What a gorgeous day, and amazing celebration we had. Carl and I pray every night that the Lord guide us as parents, as we have the opportunity to teach these two amazing little boys more about His word. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful family, and I am so thankful to Him for that.
Mark 16:16 ---"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved..."
Absolutely beautiful, Ang. No one could add anything to make it better. God bless your little family all the days and may you always see His glorious might!