The Butler County Fair. A favorite childhood memory of mine.
Last Thursday night, we headed to Allison to check out the festivities that this year's fair had to offer. I have so many fond memories of this Summer activity, and I am so excited to make memories with my family---that they will hopefully carry on.
This year, as Carson is getting older, things are getting that much more fun. It truly is amazing to see the world through the eyes of a child. He gets so excited to see the different animals, and I get excited for him. It may be "just" feeding the goat a simple chip, but to see Carson's face light up in pure excitement, and the proud look he displays after being so brave to feed that goat a chip, is so priceless. These are the moments that I will forever cherish and remember.
Carson loved to walk through the different animal barns. He got so excited to feed the goats, look at the pigs, pet the bunnies, and poke at the chickens. We wandered around for the longest time, and he just took everything in. He was soaking up this great big world, and I had a front row seat to the amazing view. I love to watch Carson strive to learn more. Perfect his animal sounds. And muster up enough guts to pet a cow that is about 50 times bigger than him.
Another favorite of mine: fair food. It doesn't get much better than the greasy, fatty, and delicious food, in my eyes. I regret it later, but at the time, I enjoy and savor every bite. I had a personal favorite, a funnel cake, and Carson enjoyed his first ever corn dog.
We ended the evening with a view of the tractors. Carson loves tractors, but isn't the first to volunteer to get involved with them. He can and will spot them out, loves to play with his toy tractors at home, but isn't too fond of climbing on them, or going for a spin. This actually really surprises me, but that's ok....he knows what he likes, and we love that about it. (Most times. Ha.)
Carl and I had a lot of fun chatting and reminicing about our childhood memories of the fair. Carl showed different animals, and talked about how they used to sleep with their animals in the barn. He pretty much lived at the fair while it was going on, and cared for his animals. He was part of the 4-H group, and had a lot of fun doing it. We also talked about how we thought it was crazy, and rather funny how they were required to wear all white while they would show. Why white? It would get dirty so quickly! And white jeans? We had some good laughs picturing the white outfit put together :)
I didn't show any animals, but had a lot of fun attending the different events the fair had to offer. As a kid, I remember the scrambles on Saturday night, and trying to catch a chicken. I remember the one year my brother tried to catch a calf, and his pants fell down.....and he held on to that cow for dear life, and could have cared less about flashing the crowd with his boxers. I remember cutting out "AE" labels off all of the milk jugs at my Grandparents' house, and dividing them into piles of 10---and turning them in for a free malt. I remember just how amazing those malts were. I remember begging to go on one more ride, and the figure 8 races on Sunday evening. I remember just how much I looked forward to the fair every year. They were some of my most fond memories of the Summer.
I love how there truly is something of interest for everyone. Not everyone is into sports, or music, or extra curricular activities. But some people are into 4-H, and have a love for their animals. The Butler County Fair is a big deal to some people and their families, and I think that is so neat. Diversity is what makes this world a wonderful place to live in. And because of the passion and love that these people have for their animals, I get the opportunity to show my children that. They are offering a small window for my children to look through, as to take in this great big world.
We ended up back at the fair on Saturday night, and enjoyed the scrambles. We had to wake Carson up from his afternoon nap, and things weren't looking the best for us. But, they turned out to be great. I asked him a hundred times if he wanted to try and catch a bunny, and he continuously said yes. So, I walked him down the stairs, into the chaos, and he took right to the activity at hand! He completely shocked me, and I was so giddy! My baby was at the fair, partaking in the scrambles, and trying to catch a bunny. Ahh, it was lovely. He had his hands on one, and tried to pick it up, but it hopped away. I was fine with the fact that he didn't catch one, as we would have given it away. But, we both had fun doing it, that's for sure. He looked so proud running around the arena chasing the bunnies, and I was 2 steps behind with a smile on my face. My heart was so happy as I watched him have so much fun. I was so bummed I forgot my camera during the bunny scramble, but I remembered it for the chickens! He didn't catch a chicken, either.....but he had such a blast!
After Carson's age group was done with the scrambles, we made our way out of the grandstands, and enjoyed some more viewings of the animals. Carson was getting antsy, and wanted to try and catch another bunny. And, there were so many people there that we decided to start making our way to the van to get home for baths. But, not before we enjoyed another delicious malt!
Both evenings delivered perfect weather to be outside. We all enjoyed ourselves so much, and had a lot of fun. I was so happy to check "Butler County Fair" off our Summer List, and I smile every time I think of the memories that we have made. I hope these are the things that Carson remembers as he grows up. The Family time we had together. We have so much fun admiring these small things that our precious life has to offer.
You are an amazing chronicler!! I was following your trip to the fair every step of the way. Fun, fun, fun.