Our little Wee Lad loves stickers. Anything that has a sticky back, he is a pro at removing it from it's surface. And when I say anything, I mean just
that. For example: the little sticky cushion pieces that you put on the corners of a cupboard door, to prevent them from slamming shut? Yeah, he picks those off...and puts them in random places. Which, usually results in them sticking to himself. Which also means they go through the wash, because they are stuck to his clothes. I have
no idea where, or why he would have even gotten the idea that those things come
off the cupboard door! He is too funny.
When Grandma Sally was back a couple weeks ago, she surprised us with a sticker book for Carson! Oh, how thoughtful of her.
He will take his pudgy little fingers, and peel the stickers off one by one. And, one by one, he will stick them to himself, or the couch/chair. I try and help him put the stickers
in the book, where they belong. But, we are still working on that step of the process.
None the less, he really enjoys playing with stickers. It keeps him busy for quite some time at night. Until he gets side tracked with other things......like---him thinking that the dog should be woken up by him sitting on him, or hitting him with a golf club. But, that's a whole different topic :)
Grandma---Carson absolutely
loves the sticker book. Thank you!
YOU ARE WELCOME, CARSON. I'm very glad you like the book. You tell your mommy to give you some smooches on your adorable cheeks from Grandma Sally. And tell your mommy she does an excellent job of telling the world all about you!