We had such a great weekend as a family! It was low-key, extremely productive, and I am really starting to appreciate those weekends the most right now. Our weekend was filled, don't get me wrong, but we weren't running around (late) the entire time. Time was on our side, and we had the ability to choose when we went where. Oh, and we have hit this "boy stage" of life. Ya know...the one where they think funny faces instead of smiles are so hilarious, and they bust out with giggles and laughter after they see this on the other side of the camera!

I feel I am starting the "nesting" phase of this pregnancy, and there are no complaints from anyone about it. There is an extreme sense of relief and happiness that washes over me when we tackle a big project, organize something that is long overdue......or just check things off the to-do list. We organized closets, organized ALL of the art supplies, and made a little "Art" room for the boys---which they have already spent a lot of time in, and love it. I feel the boys love organization just as much as we do, and they like it when everything has a "home" or they know how to pick up, and where everything belongs. We got the crib/bassinet set up in our room, along with the changing table that now houses diapers, and all the fixens for those middle-of-the-night changings that I am looking forward to. I feel like everything is starting to come together, and I can feel my levels of excitement rise. I am also happy that we are getting these things done now, because I can also feel my energy levels decreasing these days.
Our Saturday morning was filled with all-things-productivity, and then we made our way to Jesup. We spent the day with some friends there, and Lizzy
attempted to teach me how to crochet. This is something that I have always wanted to learn, but haven't ever taken the time, or looked for the help. Then we met Randy & Lizzy, I saw some pictures of her amazing work, and she kindly agreed to teach me. We spent the entire afternoon, and most of the evening hours at their house, and we jumped right into things. She is such a wonderful and patient teacher, but I feel there is
so much to learn with this lost art, and I have a long way to go yet. But, I did the hardest part for anything new.
I started. (Sadly, this is the only picture I have from my Saturday learning session. Carl snapped it without me knowing.)
My big motivation and drive to want to learn now, is I have been dreaming up the Baby Girl's nursery, and it is all starting to come together. One addition that I have been dreaming to add to the room is a crocheted bumper pad around the crib. I would love to be able to tell our little girl that I made this for her, and put a lot of time/effort/sweat into her nursery. We already have so far, and I would love to continue to do so. I would also enjoy making her blankets, hats, and all the cute crocheted girly things that are available now. Not to mention---gifts! I would really love to gift some homemade things to family and friends.
This particular bumper pad consists of all "granny squares" and it will be the perfect way to tie all the colors into the room. I would also like the pillow to have the same granny squares on them, and that perfect custom colored blanket draped over her bed that will complete everything. But first, I needed to learn how to crochet. Period. I am a rather instant gratification kind of person, and get frustrated when I don't catch on quickly to a task. So, this is testing my patience, and my drive to want to continue. But I am not going to quit, because I just started---afterall, although it is frustrating when I really don't know what I am doing, or where to go next. I miss my teacher sitting right next to me, guiding me every step of the way! I have turned to YouTube, and while it is wonderful, and amazing, and a great teacher too......I have still managed to mess things up a bit! Ha. I need to remember to be patient with myself, allow mistakes, learn from them, and move on. Lizzy has been amazing when it comes to encouragement, and has promised me that I will be whipping a hat out in no time. I am going to hold her to that promise :)
The plan is that we will both be working on the squares, and then meet up in about a month or so-- and crochet them all together to make the beautiful bumper pad come together. I am excited to see the final product, and add it to the nursery! This is what one square looks like, a product of Lizzy. The colors are: coral, light gray, mint, dark gray, light pink, and mustard. All of the squares will then be outlined and crocheted together in white.

The Superbowl----the biggest football game of the year. This year, it came with a snow storm, that kept us all hunkered down in the house, without attending a party of any sort. I was perfectly content and fine with that this year. My Husband is a sports fanatic, and has passed that onto the boys. They wrestle, and play football, and are constantly tackling each other at all waking hours of the day. The boys got ready for the big game, and were excited to watch the final game of the year take place. Generally, I like to watch for the half time show performance, and the commercials. But this year, apparently I didn't care for either.....because I was watching YouTube videos on how to crochet, and attempting my first granny square
on my own. Without my teacher sitting next to me. Eeeekks. I wouldn't say it went great, but I started, and can learn from my mistakes. Carl chuckled a few times, and might have poked fun at me as I sat there watching my videos, hook and yarn in my hand, pausing and playing the video as I went. He
may have called me a nerd.......and I am perfectly fine with that :)
We had such a great weekend, and it feels good to be prepared for the week ahead. Now- bring on Spring, nice weather, melting snow and BABY! Oh, and a learned art of crochet :) I will keep you updated on that last one.