My favorite season of the year is here, and we are trying our best to enjoy it to it's fullest. Because pretty soon the snow will be flying, and we will be forced to stay inside. I don't want to think of that right now, though.
Fall is absolutely gorgeous, and I love to look at the leaves changing. The dark red/purplish ones are my favorite, and Carl prefers the bright red ones. Like the one that we had the joyous opportunity to enjoy for about a week in the comfort of our own home. This beautiful tree is one of three grown trees that is housed in our own backyard, and delivers much discussion about the changing of seasons. God's creation is so amazing.
This past weekend, we participated in one of my favorite Fall activities---a trip to Prairie Du Chien, to look at the leaves, and enjoy the Open House that was taking place at the Apple Orchard. We go up to Prairie numerous times throughout the Summer months, and I enjoy our time up there so much while the sun is shining, and our time is spent on the beaches playing in the sand. But I also enjoy a brisk day at the Apple Orchard, and a view of the beautiful valleys filled with the different colors of trees.
We went to the Shahata Apple Orchard last year, and I really enjoyed it. They have activities for the children, a very neat Apple shop, and a Pumpkin Patch. So, we decided to attend again this year with the kiddos, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
It was cold, and I did not pack appropriately for my children. I felt so bad for Carson, as I failed to pack mittens for the poor guy. He had a hat, and a light jacket, but that's about it. He enjoyed some outside activities, despite his frozen hands.
Natalie also enjoyed her time spent outside with the animals.
I bundled Weston up, and he enjoyed the Apple Orchard from the comfort of the Baby Bjorn. I absolutely love that thing, and he never makes a peep while in it. Even with 35 degree temps, his nose bright red from the cold.....he just hung out and continued to smile at every person that passed by. He is a true gem---that little Weston of ours.
We enjoyed walking around, and doing some shopping in the neat store that was housed at the Orchard.
Carson really wanted to go on a "trailer" ride, so everyone hopped on, and the tractor took them around the Orchard. I stayed back with Weston, as I didn't feel he needed to be out in the cold that long. We picked up some Jonathan apples, and enjoyed some cider while waiting for the crew to return from the hay ride. Carson took his blanket to keep him warm, and came back with an apple he picked all by himself!
We all had a great time at the orchard, and I see this becoming a tradition that we will continue for many years. I enjoy looking forward to the different traditions that we have as the seasons change.
After the Orchard, we enjoyed lunch at a restaurant & coffee house called "Simply." If you are ever in Prairie Du Chien, I highly recommend this little place! I seriously think it is a hidden gem in this town. We ate there for the first time a few weeks ago when we were in town, and it is now a 'must-do' on my list any time we go back. They have delicious sandwiches, coffee of any kind, amazing smoothies, big cookies that are a hit with a toddler, and the atmosphere is just so fun. Even my hubby, the pickiest eater 'round, enjoyed his sandwich, and said he would go back. If we head to Prairie this Winter or early Spring, I told my better half that we are going to have a date there, and enjoy a good cup of joe, sitting on the couch, playing a board game of some sort.
I personally highly recommend their chicken salad sandwich. It is amazing, to say the least!
Saturday afternoon we hung out, and headed home on Saturday night. Carson enjoyed an evening with Grandpa and Frannie, and came home on Sunday with some treasures! Frannie and Carson went back to the pumpkin patch on Sunday morning, and Carson picked out a pumpkin for He and Weston all by himself. He was so proud of the two pumpkins that he delivered to my arms. I love to watch him carry his own pumpkin around, and say..."this is really hebby (heavy)" in such a dramatic way. He is too funny. The wheels in his mind are always turning. I love how he picked two pumpkins out, and they are sized appropriately for he and Weston. He is such a sweetheart.

I enjoyed a little one-on-one time with my little W on Sunday before big brother came crashing through the doors to sit on him. Thus is true. Carson thoroughly enjoys sitting on Weston's back, or legs. I don't know why, but he finds it to be hilarious. He is so gentle with him at times, and then turns around and sits on him with a sneaky smile on his face. He is testing us, no's just too bad it comes at the expense of taking Weston's breath away. Literally.
This is the face I enjoyed on Sunday morning. He is always so happy, and I absolutely adore this little boy. He can make a bad day turn great instantly, and I look forward to seeing this smile every day when I pick him up.
This little guy is on a fast track to getting places, and will be crawling before we know it. And, I am not. ready. for. that. yet!
I sit here and reflect on this weekend, and love the memories that we are making with our children and family. This was a perfect fall weekend in my book, and I love that I have the opportunity to experience these kind of things with my loved ones. Thank you, Lord.