Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Father's Day

Father's Day weekend was an eventful one this year.  It was all about Carl....for the whole weekend. So, we jump kicked his weekend off on Friday, and has some fun in the sun. Per Daddy's request, of course. 

We spent Friday evening at Chris and Kasey's celebrating my Dad. Papa Mike. We had good food, great company, and enjoyed watching and helping Papa open his gift.

On Saturday the festivities continued.  We had more fun playing outside as a family!  I think this is a new favorite Summer activity for all of us.  Carl and I sit and talk about how the scenery, that is right in front of us, is what we have both dreamed of for our family.  I have always had this vision in my head of what my family would look like.  And this is exactly it.  I am living the dream, baby. 

Saturday evening we celebrated another important man in our lives.  Papa Brouwer.  We had more food, more great company, and so much fun playing with the cousins.  That would include wrestling with Jared, and Uncle Mike. 

This is the delicious brownie truffle I made for that evening's supper.  It was a huge hit, and tastes just as good as it looks.  It is to die for, to say the least!

On Sunday, we honored the Main Man in our lives.  Daddy.  He is one amazing man, that's for sure.  He is truly an amazing Husband, and even better Father.  He is exactly what I have prayed and dreamed of for my children.  They are both so lucky to have him as their Daddy.  We are all so blessed by him.  I love these two boys' Daddy so much, and they will always know that. 

Carson and I also had a lot of fun making a gift for Dad.  Carson loves to finger paint, so this activity was perfect for him!

Carl's Father's Day request was pretty simple, so we granted his wishes.  He wanted to spend the day outside playing in our pool, followed with a steak supper.  Check, and check!  We did both of them.  And we all had a blast! 

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!  You are so amazing, and we thank God for you everyday!  We all love you so much.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wellsburg Daze

Last Tuesday evening we spent another night sitting on the curbside, catching candy, watching floats go by---watching a parade.  We spent the evening in Wellsburg, and had so much fun.

Carson was busy watching all the floats, cars, trucks, and tractors pass by in front of him.  He picked up some candy, and yet again, left the rest for Mom to pick up.  We walked away with another huge bucket of candy.  He ate some of it at the parade, and we brought the rest home.  And, somehow, someway, the little stinker snuck some of the candy to bed with him that night---because we found wrappers in his bed the next morning!

Frannie soaked up all of her grandbabies that night.  She is in high demand these days, and I don't think she would have it any other way.  She's amazing. 

This would be my attempt with my two precious boys.  Carson is clearly more interested in the parade, than taking a picture with his Momma and Brother :)

My precious littlest Wee Lad.

Natalie enjoyed her very first sucker that night.  She seemed to love it.....which is her attitude about pretty much everything!  She is such a precious little girl. 

It was a gorgeous night for a parade.  The weather was perfect, and there wasn't much wind....which makes a perfect combination for even the babes to enjoy the outdoors. 

I got a few pictures of Kaylee with her eyes open!  She is such a doll.

Weston thought the parade was pretty fun as well.  He is such a happy and smiley little guy.  And, he has one killer smile, that will melt your heart instantly! 

We all had so much fun together--enjoying the scenery, and the weater outside.  It was a perfect way to spend a Summer evening. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Weekend Spent in Praire

Last weekend, we spent the weekend in Prairie with the boys.  And, it was an amazing get-away.  I feel like we sometimes just need a little time away from everything, to rejuvenate our lives, and to keep us going.  This weekend delivered just that, and it was wonderful.

We loaded up, and headed out on Friday.  It was a gorgeous day out.  We hung out, unpacked, and then headed down to the little pond area a little later that afternoon, and I had some fun with the camera.  Carson had fun in the mud/water.  And Weston was just along for the ride.

On Saturday we headed out on the water.  The weekend's forecast said:  90 degrees, and very humid.  We decided that we either need to be by water, or inside for the order to stay comfortable.  We headed out on the water at 8:30 that morning, in order to get a spot on the sand bar.  The water was extremely high this past weekend, which makes for sand bar finding slim pickins. 

We were the first ones on the sand bar, and Carson dove right into the sand.  Carson loves to ride on Papa's boat, and dig in the he thoroughly enjoyed himself that day.  It was gorgeous out, and not a bit cool for being 9:00 in the morning.  That's a really good indication it's going to be a hot day. 

Weston was also able to join us on the boat that day.  His first boat ride, and he didn't mind a bit!  I hope that trend continues for years to come. 

We all had so much fun on the sand bar on Saturday.  The sun was hot, the water cool, and Carson had so much fun playing in the sand.  Both boys actually ended up taking about a 3 hour nap that day on the boat in the shade.  And with that being said, I would consider Saturday a huge success!!

I love this view.  The great big Mississippi.  A wonderful cruise on the river!

On our way back to load up, this is the view I had.  It was such a precious moment.  Father/Son bonding at it's finest.  Carson was pointing out the birds and feeling the water, while Daddy pointed out a fish here and there.  And, the funny/ironic thing about that is.....the word fish and bird sound the same in Carson's vocabulary!  Haha.  I have been meaning to document that fact for a while now, because it is so funny. 

We loaded up the van, and headed home Sunday morning after Daddy and Papa got a round of golf in.  The weekend away was so much fun.  And, an added bonus for this Mama?  My Mom got up with Weston Saturday night, which gave me a FULL and good nights sleep!  Thank you, Frannie!