Thursday, December 22, 2011

Baking Day

Last Saturday, my Sister hosted our 3rd Annual Holiday Baking Day.

It was another huge success, and we all had a lot of fun!  I had a little helper for some of the recipes, and that always makes things interesting :)  Carson is very good at stirring, but gets out of control some most times.  It is usually a guarantee that you will find flour surrounding his area, and this time, it included the floor.  He also helped me place the cookies in the little muffin tin compartments.  After placing a few balls, he then took it up a notch.  I feel like all boys do this, right?!  He then started to throw the balls, and see if he could hit one of the compartments in the tin.  A few "thuds" of the cookie dough ball later, and he usually scored.  When my cookies dough was gone, and I was ready to put the tin in the oven, I figured out I had some re-constructing to do.  The little pistol had been eating some of the cookie dough, and they no longer looked like balls!


And, in between helping me bake, Carson and Natalie were with their lovely Babysitter.....Frannie!  She was in charge of the kiddos for the day.  Natalie is always content as ever, and Carson is just plain busy. 


Check out all the amazing goodies that we made that day!  Everything was truly amazing.



Carson also found this dancing snowman to be rather entertaining.  He would turn it on and off about a hundred times, and then throw it on the floor.  He is a gentle little boy....most of the time :)

My Sister always does an amazing job hosting any sort of party.  We had an amazing lunch, and the boys joined us for supper.

It was a wonderful, and tiring day.  Now we have our plates of goodies to dish out to people.  The fun part of it all......sharing the love with others!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our First Christmas Celebration

On Sunday, we had our first Christmas of the 2011 Season.  We went to my Uncle Wendall's house, where everyone gathered with my Grandparents, in celebration of another year.  Another year of celebrating the true reason of the Season.

There was way too many snacks, way too much food, and everyone was joyful.  We opened a few gifts, and I love to see the faces of everyone as the anticipation is upon them, as to see what is inside each present.  Carson got a few cute track outfits, a fun farm play mat, and a Melissa & Doug clock.  He took right to the clock, and played with it for a long time.  Each number has a shaped block, and he loves to match shapes.  It only took him a few times, and he really caught on quickly.  A few of the shapes are kind of tricky for him, but he really enjoys playing with it.  Now we need to figure out a way not lose any of the 12 numbered blocks.  :)

I really enjoyed that we had our first get together the week before Christmas.  It drags Christmas out, and I love that.  It also makes for a less hectic actual Christmas weekend, because we don't need any help with that.  But, that is the joy of the Holiday, and the fact that we have SO many family members within driving distance.  Which, I wouldn't trade for anything!  I love all the hustle/bustle of the busy Holiday, and all the chaos, tired babies, and full bellies it brings!

And, I don't think that a family get together would be complete with a game or two.  It always makes this more exciting!

What a wonderful time of year.  I can't believe it is nearing the end of another amazing year.  2012 is upon us, and I am so excited to see what the new year is going to bring to our family!

Tis the Season to be Jolly!  :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bath Time

Bath time  has become a favorite time every night for our little Wee Lad.  We spend a lot of time in the bathroom, hovering over the tub while our little one plays, and plays, and plays some more.  He spends a good 45 minutes each night in the tub, just hanging out and playing.  It's actually really fun to watch him play, "swim" around on his belly, and read his bath time book.

Carl and I actually have to laugh to ourselves, as we use bath time as a bribe.  If Carson isn't listening, is in a whiny mood, or won't take off his hat and/or coat (after having it on for hours) all we have to do is mention bath time, and he is happy as can be.  He will strip down to absolutely nothing, in preparation to dive into the tub, in a matter of seconds.  When we say the word bath, Carson's face instantly lights up, and he responds with his adorable "shyeah!"  It is so cute and funny to hear him respond to this request.

Carson loves to play with his letters in the tub, along with line things up on the edge of the tub.  Like this cow, for instance.  It's his favorite, hands down. 

Carl and I couldn't stop laughing the other night after bath time, and before bed time.  We got Carson lathered up with lotion, and into his footie pajamas.  He was busy in the other room, and very quiet....which is always something to be concerned about.  After a couple minutes, he walked into the living room where Carl and I were, with a huge smile on his face.  He had unzipped his pajamas, and put my socks on!  I thought we were both going to pee our pants from laughing so hard.  He is so funny.  He was running around looking silly like this, as the legs of his pajamas were flowing behind him as he ran.  That was our entertainment for the night.  And, it doesn't get much better than that! :)

Happy Tuesday!  

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's a....

Tuesday, December 6th, was a big day in our books.  It was the day I had been waiting for since the end of September.  Carl and I had much anticipation for this day, as it was the day we were to find out if we were going to have another little boy on our hands, or a precious little girl.

And, the ultrasound showed we are going to have another little BOY!!!

Carl and I are both completely ecstatic about the news.  When the tech showed us that it was (DEF) a boy, we were both smiling from ear to ear.

We immediately started calling our family members after the appointment to deliver our exciting news.  We asked each one of them what they thought the sex would be, before we told them.  And, all THIRTEEN of them thought it was a girl!  Not a single person guessed boy.  I thought that was kind of funny! 

I didn't care about the sex either way, I truly didn't.  But, I said I would be completely content with another boy, as I have really enjoyed raising a boy.  Granted, I don't know what it's like to have a little girl, that will have to wait.  Carson will now have a little brother to become buddies with, and that makes me so happy.  Two little rough boys running around our house?  Consider me excited as can be!

Another little boy to love on, snuggle with, and spoil rotten.....April can't come soon enough!

I am so excited to dig out the bottles, burp rags, receiving blankets, sleepers, etc.  All the essentials that Baby Boy Brouwer will be needing in his first few days of life.  Before we know it, our house will be prepped to bring home our newest bundle of joy.

I always wish for the Winter months to go quickly, especially now that we have a little one, because bundling them up is just no fun.  But this Winter?  Goodness, it can't go fast enough!  Bring on Spring, and all that is baby for this family :)

It's amazing how much love we have for this little boy already.  Carl left for work last night, and he said good night to his little Wee Lad, kissed me good bye, and left saying "I love you, and our two little guys!"  It about made me cry.  "Our two little guys".....what an amazing thing.  To see the little baby kicking and moving on the monitor during the ultrasound is about enough to take your breath away.  He is our little miracle from above, and we thank the Good Lord for him every night.  We now say...."And we pray for baby brother" during our nightly prayers, instead of just saying baby.  And to hear Carson say "brother" is the cutest thing ever.  I think he will be such a good Big Brother to this little one!

19 Weeks, 3 Days

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Carl and I were so excited when we were leaving the doors at church on Sunday.  Not because the service was over, but because our little Wee Lad took a big step in his little life.  Well, a big step in our eyes.  He made it through his FIRST FULL church service in the nursery!  This is a huge step, seriously.

After about 5-6 failed attempts of him making it no more than 10 minutes in the nursery, we were about ready to give up.  We were about ready to face the fact that we were always going to be those parents with their kids in church.  But, yesterday I thought we should continue to try.  Maybe, just maybe, this would be our lucky day.  And, sure enough, it was!

I dropped him off at the nursery, and I was handed the number 350.  I memorized that number, as I was certain it was to pop up on the screen, no later than the first song we were going to sing.  I about turned around to get him, when I heard him crying "My mommy, no buh-bye."  I was about in tears, but I figured I would be back in a few minutes to get him anyway, and this would be good for him.

After Carl and I walked into the service, our eyes were peeled to the screen.  We didn't take our eyes off of it, as we were focused on the top right hand corner.  That is wear the number 350 would be flashing soon, we were certain.  During the whole service, we were both focused on the screen.  We tried our best to focus on the sermon, but I was so worried, that it was hard.  I know it sounds silly, but if you know our little Wee Lad at all, you would understand this concern.

I am so excited, and thrilled that he made it through the whole service!  Carl and I fought over who would be the one to get him.  I won, as I said I had to be the "bad guy" and drop him off.....that I should most certainly be the "hero" and get to pick him up :)

Yesterday was a big day for our little one.  He probably has no idea what happened, or what is going on, but we do.  We now know he can make it through, so hopefully he continues this trend.  He didn't play at all while he was there, so hopefully he will loosen up a bit, and join in on the fun activities in the future.  He was held the entire hour, and he actually still had his coat and hat on when I picked him up.  But, that is not uncommon these days, for some reason.  We have to coax him into taking his coat and hat off at home sometimes too.  He napped with both things on the other day, because he wouldn't take them off.  Goofy boy! 

That is our latest exciting news.  Sounds pretty silly, huh?!  Ha.  For documentation reasons, remember :)

More exciting news to come!  Stay tuned.  This exciting news may sound a bit more legit to everyone else, opposed to our son making it through a church service in the nursery!  Ha.  :)